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Kamal Jethwani

Co-Founder & CEO USA

Hélène Moore

Executive VP & Head of Digital Therapy France

Quentin Le Masne

Head of Development & Innovation - Connected Health & Devices France

Digital Therapeutics-2023

About GSDT-2023

Conferences are an essential forum for academic researchers and business leaders. It involves multiple presentations, interactive breakout sessions, hands-on product demonstrations, and unparalleled networking opportunities. We've invited some of the world's most sought-after speakers, experts, brand ambassadors and industry leaders to share their thoughts and insights with our conference guests.

On behalf of the 6th Global Summit on Digital Therapeutics, we are delighted to welcome you to join the Conference which is going to be held in beautiful city Los Angeles, USA during Oct 23-24, 2023 with the theme of “Defining the New Age of Digital Therapeutics”. This is an exceptional gathering for the worldwide prominent scholastics in the field of Obesity and Nutritional Health where Directors, Scientists, Professors, Research scholars, Postdocs, Academic Staff are about to share their research work and acquiesce new emerging technological trends in the conference areas.

This GSDT-2023 makes a perfect platform for global networking as it brings together the renowned speakers, professors, scientists, educationalists, researchers and students across the globe to a most exciting, exceptional, memorable scientific leading event to report and witness the latest scientific achievements in obesity in broad range of scientific fields. This is a great opportunity for delegates from universities and institutes to connect with the world-class scientists and speakers during our "Digital Therapeutics 2023" to discuss new advances in the field of therapeutics and building to improve wellness and treatment and additionally supplement.

Participation / presentation option

Oral Presentation: Oral presentations may cover research, theoretical, professional, or private practice topics in a concise manner. People with personal experience are also encouraged to submit personal experiences of particular research that help others in daily life.

Speakers with a 30-minute slot should maintain their speech for 20-25 minutes, and keynote speakers should maintain their speech for 40-45 minutes, with the remaining time to be used for FAQ and discussion by the chair of the meeting.

Workshop: For workshop presenters as well, the lecture topic will be the same as an oral presentation with more exclusive techniques and detailed demonstrations. The general duration of a workshop presentation is about 45-50 minutes. Interested participants can join their respective teams and present the workshop with their research coordinators with a special group upon registration.

Poster Presentation: The Student Poster Competition will be held during the Digital Therapeutics 2023 conference to encourage students and recent graduates to present their original research. The presenter's duration is about 5-7 minutes to present the poster, including questions and answers. FAQs will be asked by judges on presentation. This is an opportunity for young scientists to learn about the latest discoveries from their peers in order to develop their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers. The poster will be in 1x1 M long paper size.

For any other details on poster presentation and judging criteria, kindly check the poster presentation guidelines.

Virtual Presentation: The Virtual presentation is designed for interested participants who are unable to attend in person due to scheduling conflicts or other obligations. In this option, the presenter can record the presentation and their presentation will be displayed in the virtual presentation session.

E-Poster: E-Poster is also like a webinar presentation. At this session, the E- poster will be displayed on the website page in the E-poster category and the presenter's abstract will be published in the conference memento and in the journal with DOI.

Exhibit: Digital Therapeutics 2023 may exhibit the products and services of commercial and non-commercial organizations such as artificial intelligence, digital talent, platform-based software and services, trade commissioners, and equipment manufacturers.

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Scientific Sessions

1. Mobile Health

Mobile Health, or mHealth, describes the use of mobile and wireless communication technologies to improve healthcare delivery, outcomes, and research. mHealth is poised to play a larger role in engaging patients in self-care as smartphone ownership is rising both in the United States and globally. mHealth can also help ground gaps in care by allowing cases to communicate with their croaker or care platoon and vice versa without meeting face to face. Secure messaging, for illustration, allows croakers to warn parents when their child is out of surgery. It also allows healthcare providers to communicate with each other about cases-- for illustration, letting a nanny know when a case has arrived for an appointment.

2. Digital Therapeutics

A digital Therapeutic includes remedial ways driven by high- quality software programs for precluding, managing and treating medical diseases. The treatment approaches are generally grounded upon changes in the geste and life encouraged by digital stimulants. Also, the companies employing digital Therapeutics publish their trial results and issues in scientific journals. Since it's a digital intervention, the data collected can serve as a progress report for precluding and managing the separate complaint in the future. Digital Therapeutics work for a wide variety of conditions including type- II diabetes, anxiety, congestive heart failure, depression, rotundity, madness, asthma, ADHD, hypertension, substance abuse, and numerous further. Frequently the Therapeutic employs the use of Cognitive Behavioural remedy.

3. Health Information Technology (HIT)

Health information technologies (eHealth) are viewed as the means to unleash the eventuality of health data for perfecting cases' lives and better use of healthcare system coffers. Health Informatics is an important sphere of global competition that reaches across the social, profitable and political realms. Health IT professionals play a critical part in perfecting the quality of health care by precluding crimes and adding edge through technology. The new Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) will give payment impulses and specialized support to speed megahit relinquishment and use by small practices. We set up that external impulses were, indeed, appreciatively associated with lesser relinquishment and use of megahit.

4. Digital Sensors, Devices & Wearables

Electrochemical and electrical Sensors are generally one part of the measuring sequence. And this sequence generally comprises a Sensor, a transmitter, and a string. And the foremost bracket of Sensors is analog and digital. Digital Sensor technology is more substantial in regard to its expansive trustability and fineness. Digital device means an electronic device that can produce, induce, shoot, partake, communicate, admit, store, display, or process information, and similar electronic bias shall include, but not limited to, desktops, laptops, tablets, peripherals, waiters, mobile telephones, smartphones, and any analogous storehouse device which presently exists or may live as technology develops or similar similar particulars as technology develops. Wearable’s have come decreasingly popular over the once many times, but the introductory idea is nothing new. For illustration, if you've ever worn a wristwatch, you've formerly used a simple kind of wearable.

5. Personalized Healthcare

Individualized healthcare leverages an existent’s medical history, individual testing, circumstances, and the continually adding knowledge of genetics to knitter medical treatment and precautionary care sweats. With further medical data available across different populations, clinicians can more determine targeted plans for specific cases. Individualized healthcare may also be appertained to as substantiated drug or perfection drug. Traditional treatment approaches have reckoned on trial- and- error styles told by statistical pars. Until more recent technological developments, any case-unique knowledge that clinicians might have substantiated probably reckoned upon tone- reported family histories and covering for suspected tendencies. Moment, data- driven by DNA sequencing and other inheritable exploration contributes to the largest store of information clinicians have ever had.

6. Tele Health

Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies to pierce health care services ever and manage your health care. Technologies can include computers and mobile bias, similar as tablets and smartphones. This may be technology you use from home. Or a nanny or other health care professional may give telehealth from a medical office or mobile van, similar as in pastoral areas. Telehealth can also be technology that your health care provider uses to ameliorate or support health care services.

7. Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics (occasionally described as what a medicine does to the body) is the study of the biochemical, physiologic, and molecular goods of medicines on the body and involves receptor list (including receptor perceptivity), post-receptor goods, and chemical relations. Pharmacodynamics, with pharmacokinetics (what the body does to a medicine, or the fate of a medicine within the body), helps explain the relationship between the cure and response, i.e., the medicine's goods. The pharmacologic response depends on the medicine binding to its target. The attention of the medicine at the receptor point influences the medicine’s effect. A drug’s pharmacodynamics can be affected by physiologic changes due to

  • A disorder or disease
  • Aging process
  • Other drugs

8. Pharmacodynamics

Pharmacodynamics is the study of the biochemical and physiologic goods of medicines. The goods can include those manifested within creatures, microorganisms, or combinations of organisms. Pharmacodynamics is the study of how medicines have goods on the body. The most common medium is the commerce of the medicine with towel receptors located moreover in cell membranes or in the intracellular fluid. The extent of receptor activation, and the posterior natural response, is related to the attention of the cranking medicine. This relationship is described by the cure – response wind, which plots the medicine cure against its effect. This important pharmacodynamics relationship can be told by patient factors and by the presence of other medicines that contend for binding at the same receptor. Some medicines acting at the same receptor differ in the magnitude of the natural responses that they can achieve and the quantum of the medicine needed to achieve a response.  

9. Psychological Therapy

Psychotherapy is a general term for treating internal health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other internal health providers. During psychotherapy, you learn about your condition and your moods, passions, studies, and actions. Psychotherapy helps you learn how to take control of your life and respond to gruelling situations with healthy managing chops. There are numerous types of psychotherapy, each with its own approach. The type of psychotherapy that is right for you depend on your individual situation. Psychotherapy is also known as talk remedy, comforting, psychosocial remedy, or, simply, remedy.

10. Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive behavioural remedy (CBT) is a form of cerebral treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety diseases, alcohol and medicine use problems, connubial problems, eating diseases, and severe internal illness. Multitudinous exploration studies suggest that CBT leads to significant enhancement in performing and quality of life. In numerous studies, CBT has been demonstrated to be as effective as, or further effective than, other forms of cerebral remedy or psychiatric specifics. It's important to emphasize that advances in CBT have been made on the base of both exploration and clinical practice. Indeed, CBT is an approach for which there's ample scientific substantiation that the styles that have been developed actually produce change. In this manner, CBT differs from numerous other forms of cerebral treatment.

11. Pharmacotherapy

Pharmacotherapy (pharmacology) is the treatment of a complaint or complaint with drug. In the treatment of dependence, specifics are used to reduce the intensity of pullout symptoms, reduce alcohol and other medicine jones, and reduce the liability of use or relapse for specific medicines by blocking their effect. The primary thing of drug- supported treatment is for the case to achieve completely- sustained absolution. Pharmacotherapy is frequently used together with other curatives similar as Cognitive Behavioural remedy (CBT), or 12- Step Facilitation. Specifics combined with these other curatives are shown to:

  • Improve rates of patient survival
  • Increase retention in treatment programs
  • Decrease illicit opiate use and substance-related criminal involvement
  • Increase patients’ ability to gain and maintain employment
  • Improve outcomes in pregnancies affected by substance use

12. Radiation Therapy

Radiation remedy is a type of cancer treatment that uses shafts of violent energy to kill cancer cells. Radiation remedy most frequently uses X-rays, but protons or other types of energy also can be used. The term" radiation remedy" most frequently refers to external ray radiation remedy. During this type of radiation, the high- energy shafts come from a machine outside of your body that aims the shafts at a precise point on your body. During a different type of radiation treatment called brachytherapy (bark-e-THER-uh-pee), radiation is placed inside your body. Radiation remedy damages cells by destroying the inheritable material that controls how cells grow and divide. While both healthy and cancerous cells are damaged by radiation remedy, the thing of radiation remedy is to destroy as many normal, healthy cells as possible. Normal cells can frequently repair much of the damage caused by radiation.

13. Behavioural Therapy

The behavioural remedy is a term that describes a broad range of ways used to change maladaptive conduct. The thing is to support desirable conduct and count unwanted bones. The behavioural remedy is bedded in the principles of behaviourism, an academe of study concentrated on the idea that we learn from our terrain. This approach surfaced during the early part of the 20th century and came to a dominant force in the field multitudinous times. Edward Thorndike was one of the first to relate to the idea of modifying behaviour. Unlike the types of remedy that are bedded in insight (analogous to psychoanalytic remedies and humanistic antidotes), the behavioural remedy is action- predicated. Because of this, behavioural remedy tends to be largely concentrated. The behaviour itself is the problem and the thing is to educate people on new conduct to minimize or count the issue.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Exposure therapy
  • Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
  • Social learning theory

14. Therapeutic interventions

Remedial intervention is a trouble to help someone in need who declines treatment or is else unfit to help themselves. In some cases, an intervention takes the form of a meeting between the people engaged in tone-destructive geste and concerned musketeers or family members, occasionally in a combative manner. Remedial interventions will be estimated with regard to goods, effectiveness (or efficacity), and effectiveness. Goods are simply observable consequences of the intervention. Still, remedial effectiveness can be assessed only by relating the goods of remedial intervention to a remedial end. Its explication with and by the case is one ideal of the informed concurrence process which is needed by respect for the autonomy and quality of the case. Assessment of the loads which are associated with the operation of remedial effectiveness in practice serves as the assessment of remedial effectiveness.

15. Smart healthcare technology

Smart technology in healthcare is changing the way cases are treated with telehealth, remote care, and health monitoring technology connecting cases and croakers like no way ahead. Then are five exemplifications of some of the ways that smart technology is being used in healthcare to enhance the patient experience, ameliorate visionary care procedures, and make for a healthier world. Digital metamorphosis is changing the face of every assiduity, including healthcare. From a lack of access to introductory healthcare services in numerous places around the world to a general staffing deficit that is anticipated to reach 18 million by 2030, there is plenitude of gaps that technology like 5G, pall and AI are primed to neutralize.

Market Analysis

The global digital therapeutics market will witness a robust CAGR of 31.4%, valued at $3.02 billion in 2021, expected to appreciate and reach $35.78 billion by 2030, confirms Strategic Market Research. The industry provides adequate therapeutic interventions for the patients through some highly advanced software programs as well as devices to treat, prevent, or manage medical conditions such as Type-2 Diabetes, CHF, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, asthma, substance abuse, ADHD, hypertension, anxiety, depression, mobile health (mHealth) with strategies rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy. The software application can be used independently or combined with devices, medications, or other medicines to provide patient care and improve health outcomes. In USA, the Digital therapeutics market is expected to grow tenfold in the next 3 to 5 years. Over the past few years, investments by digital- therapeutics organizations for patient healthcare in USA have increased by an average of 40% per year, thereby reaching more than USD 1 billion in 2021. Furthermore, In April 2020, The Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. released guidelines and has planned to expand the accessibility of digital therapeutic devices for psychiatric patients. It also aimed to subsidize those people who followed the guidelines and practiced social isolation without a clinic visit during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The increase in adoption of mobiles & tablets that are coupled with healthcare Apps, Rise of focus on preventive healthcare are the major growth drivers, with North America remaining the dominating market region.


          Digital Therapeutics-2023

Furthermore, in the healthcare sector, digital-therapeutics has augmented the usage of A.I., as well as virtual reality for solving a plethora of problems that exist in the industry. A.I. plays a significant role in digital-therapeutics by increasing the engagement of the software-based treatments. AI-enabled digital-therapeutics provides adequate diagnosis & personalized care as well as anticipates the variety of challenges and requirements based on patient’s behaviour.

Market Drivers – Increase in chronic diseases, adoption of mobile phones, and increase in focus on preventive health care

  • The rise in the number of chronic diseases leads to changes in the patients' lifestyles. According to the study published by "The Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI)," in January 2021, approximately 75 million who aged above 60 years suffer from chronic diseases. About 45 million people have cardiovascular disease and hypertension; about 20 million have diabetes. Such conditions are progressive with age, and with the high prevalence of the geriatric population, the overall size of the digital therapeutics market is projected to rise exponentially.
  • An increase in mobile phones and tablets with inbuilt social applications helps patients understand, analyze, and assess their health periodically. As per Kepios, internet users are growing globally at an annual rate of 7.6%, i.e., an average addition of 900,000 new users every day. This helps make specific changes in the lifestyle adopted and usage of medicines.
  • There is a high rate of growth in the usage of technology for Therapeutics, especially in developed markets, as consumers are aware of the advanced products for treating medical conditions. As per the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, healthcare spending increased significantly in 2020, as the spending in the healthcare industry has increased in many OECD countries. Preliminary healthcare spending in almost 16 countries across the globe suggested that the per capita health had increased by around 4.9% in 2020. The preference also shifted towards advanced services in the medical field, including the growing demand for innovations in therapeutic devices.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 23-24, 2023

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